ETH原文:The arbitration panel shall consist of one arbitrator only, unless the ICC Court of Arbitration determines that the dispute is such as to warrant three arbitrators. If the Court determines that one arbitrator is sufficient, then such arbitrator shall be selected from Switzerland. If the Court determines that three arbitrators are necessary, then each party shall have 30 days to nominate an arbitrator of its choice -- in the case of the Claimant, measured from receipt of notification of the ICC Court’s decision to have three arbitrators; in the case of Respondent, measured from receipt of notification of Claimant’s nomination. All nominations must be from Switzerland. If a party fails to nominate an arbitrator, the Court will do so. The Court shall also appoint the chairman.
FF 中国两子公司未冠名“恒大”6月25日,许家印实控的中国恒大向恒大健康提供67.5亿港元的三年无抵押贷款,用于收购中誉集团主席赵渡旗下的香港时颖有限公司100%股权,从而间接获得Smart King Ltd公司45%的股权。此前的2017年11月,时颖公司与FF原股东成立合资公司Smart King Ltd,新成立公司拥有FF及其附属公司的全部资产。
日本内阁府和海上保安厅表示,可以算作领海基准的低潮高地现在只确认了两处。但这些都是十几年前的测量数据了。现在日本正在计划用高精度的测量技术去调查这些高地,希望借此扩大领海。(海外网 王珊宁)责任编辑:张申今冬供暖季,中石油计划资源量累计落实841亿立方米,同比增加33亿立方米,增幅为4.08%。